[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0ImBERLY2A?feature=oembed&w=500&h=281]
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden took the stage in Nashville, Tennessee, for their final debate. They discussed how they would lead the nation through the coronavirus crisis, put an end to election interference by foreign nations, their health care plans for the nation and much more, this time in a much calmer tone. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: https://cnb.cx/2NGeIvi
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden were hardly cordial in their final debate — but both candidates seem to have taken to heart the largely negative reaction to their vicious first showing.
There was less fury and more urgency in the 90-minute debate in Nashville on Thursday night, just 12 days out from Election Day.
The moderator, NBC News’ Kristen Welker, kept a tight lid on the Republican president and the Democratic nominee as she peppered them with questions about the coronavirus pandemic, the economy and foreign interference in the election, as well as the candidates’ finances.
Compared with the first debate — which was defined by furious crosstalk and personal insults — the final face-off was an almost staid affair. But despite the clearer delivery, neither candidate pulled punches, and the volume started to rise later in the evening.
“He doesn’t want to talk about the substantive issues,” Biden said at one point after a lengthy exchange with Trump, in which each candidate shot accusations at the other about money they had allegedly received.
“It’s not about his family and my family. It’s about your family,” Biden said, speaking into the camera.
“That’s a typical political statement,” Trump responded. ”‘Let’s get off the subject of China, let’s talk around sitting around the table.’ Come on, Joe, you can do better.”
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